Despite most of us being under lockdown of one form or another, one of the activities that thankfully seems to be widely permitted is hiking. With that in mind we have teamed up with our friends Rens and Juliette at Natuurlijk Ibiza for some inspiring Ibizan walks that are fantastic to do any time of the year.  Rens and Juliette hike with their 2 children aged 4 & 2 so most of the walks are not only fun but of a level that most children can cope with. 


Capelleta d’en Serra is a charming little chapel set on the top of a hill not far from San Josep, the 3km hike is worth it for the priceless views across Ibiza.
Total Hike 6km. Level MEDIUM
Closest villas Sa Colina | Can Vildas
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The south coast of Ibiza is best known for its busy beaches and luxurious beach bars. But less known is the trail that connects the bays where these beaches are located. From Es Bol Nou with the famous restaurant Sa Caleta to Cala Jondal with its beach clubs such as Blue Marlin and Tropicana.
Total Hike 5km. Level MEDIUM
Closest Villas Can Calma | Cala Yondal
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Sa Talaia is the highest point on the Island, with views stretching out across Ibiza and out across the western coast.
Total hike 6km. Level MEDIUM
Closest Villas Can Tomas | Can Picossa
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A beautiful hike from S’estanyol to Cala Espart, a hidden bay close to Roca Lisa
Total hike 3km, Level MEDIUM
Closest villa Villa Sky
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Es Cubells to the little known bay of Cala Llentrisca is a beautiful walk and an added bonus is that you can take a dip in the turquoise waters of the tiny bay at the end.
Total hike 5.5km. Level MEDIUM
Closest Villa  Cima Blanca
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Please note the Natuurlijk ibiza website is written in Dutch but then in English if you scroll down. Any of these hikes at the start or end of the day, are a great way to see a beautiful side of the island that you have likely never experienced before. Always carry plenty of water, wear sun hats and dress appropriately for the weather. 

You can follow their adventures on Facebook or Instagram or head to Natuurlijk Ibiza for more beautiful walks in Ibiza.